How on Earth is it ALREADY Scorpio season?! For how long 2020 has felt, it’s beginning to feel as though it has well and truly flown by! We’re coming into the home stretch now – say it with us: we can do this!

Scorpio (23rd October – 21st November)

– There’s been such a lot of pressure for you lately, hasn’t there? Full diary, loads to think about, maybe it’s even starting to spill into your relationships, as you feel like you have precious little time to think! Lucky for you, your lash clients can quite easily be helped into a luxurious little lash nap with the addition of one of our lip masks and a relaxing playlist – they nap, you have time to think whilst you lash, they wake up flawless, and everyone’s a winner!

Sagittarius (22nd November – 21st December)

– You’ve been doing well to keep yourself and those around you positive during these scary and unpredictable times, and as a result you’ve been busier than ever. If you’ve found it a little hard to focus recently, fear not – all will soon become clear! It’s a good time to start tying up any loose ends on tasks you’re not looking to take into 2021 – maybe finish off those case studies and complete your course, or have a little clear out of old stock; wipe the slate clean, as it were. Speaking of clean, something that might interest you is our new and improved Cherry Cleanser – same amazing formula, same incredible scent – the best ever packaging!

Capricorn (22nd December – 19th January)

– Things have really picked up for you recently, and the coming month won’t feel much different! Watch out for some high emotions in the last week of October, and draw on your inner strength to deal with any dramas that might come your way. Take some of the pressure off of your lash appointments by speeding up your work with fans that pop into life the moment you grip them!

Aquarius (20th January – 18th February)

– It’s been a good month for you! Sure, things may have gone wrong, but your optimism has carried you through and kept a smile on your face! Even under the hardest circumstances, great things can flourish. If you’re in the mood for something a bit more colourful and creative, might we suggest our colourful lashes to spice up any lash set?

Pisces (19th February – 20th March)

–  There have been lots of bumps in the road this month, just keep looking ahead and stay true to yourself – whatever the difficulties are that lie ahead, you are more than capable of slaying absolutely anything! Maybe it’s time to take on something new and exciting, something like a conversion course, mentoring session or enrichment course – we’ll just leave this link here

Aries (21st March – 19th April)

– There is a potential for relationships to feel a little bit strained soon, so take the time to breathe before you react to things! With Halloween coming up, it’s a good time to think about a little dress-up get-together with your friends or colleagues – either in the salon or over Zoom – just to let your hair down and have a little treat! Whilst those creative juices are flowing, it would be a great idea to seek out a fantasy lash competition and maybe win a new certificate for the wall! If you need a good clear glue to use with the colourful lashes for said competition, we’d recommend Crystal!

Taurus (20th April – 20th May)

– Scorpio season is about to throw a curveball your way, Taurus! Take this time as an opportunity to get creative and try seeing some things from a different perspective. Maybe it’s time to update your space, perhaps try something new with your lash routine. On the subject of new perspectives, have you seen our newest addition? The wider lash mirror will give you a unique perspective on your lash sets – no more unexpected gaps or unevenness!

Gemini (21st of May – 20th of June)

– You might be feeling a bit claustrophobic just lately, but take a breath before dealing with a tricky situation – what is painfully obvious to you might need a little bit more calm explanation to someone else. Take a bit of extra time with your clients to explain their aftercare and how to take great care of their lashes once they leave your care. A happy client is a repeat client!

Cancer (21st June – 22nd July)

– It’s probably a good time to help a friend in need, not only will it take your mind off of the issues you’ve been dealing with lately, but it will make you feel good for doing good! Rest assured, there is a big win for you and your team in a business sense just around the corner – things have been tough, but stay strong – you’re about to flourish! If you’re looking to attract some new clients, have a look at this blog post we published a while ago.

Leo (23rd of July – 22nd of August)

– There might have been a slight breakdown in communication recently, whether in real life or in a more technological sense – take extra care to check your appointment book to ensure you’re not double booked somewhere! You’re about to reach completion on a task that’s been in the works for a while now, and have the opportunity to take a leap of faith and take a brand new direction in your professional life. Have a look at our YouTube channel for inspiration and some tips and tricks that might supplement your ever-expanding knowledge.

Virgo (23rd of August – 22nd of September)

– It’s time for some clarity and control. Be it financial, professional or in your relationships, you need to ensure this cycle that expectations – both of yourself and others – are made crystal clear. Maybe your clients are coming to you with retention issues recently, could it be possible that they’ve forgotten the lash care routine you so lovingly put together for them? Grab some aftercare leaflets and point them towards the foam cleanser – our favourite for this month is inLei’s Rose scented cleanser!

Libra (23rd of September – 22nd of October)

– Things got a bit bumpy towards the end of Libra season, so it might be time to treat yourself to a little bit of retail therapy, or a bit of pampering! Have your lash technician try a different lash style, maybe throw in some splashes of colour. Treat yourself and your salon to a bit of a makeover, be it new wall prints, some little accessories or a brand new trolley!
